Monday, February 21, 2011

bank foreclosure

At the time of the now famous Ibanez decision, in which the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court dealt the securitization industry a not-all-that-surprinsing loss by saying that lenders and servicers had to be able to produce reasonable evidence that the mortgage had indeed been transferred to the party that was trying to seize the house. The court wrote:

When a plaintiff files a complaint asking for a declaration of clear title after a mortgage foreclosure, a judge is entitled to ask for proof that the foreclosing entity was the mortgage holder at the time of the notice of sale or foreclosure…. A plaintiff that cannot make this modest showing cannot make this modest showing cannot justly proclaim that it was unfairly denied a declaration of clear title.

Also note this section of the concurring opinion by Judge Cordy:

Foreclosure is a powerful act with significant consequences, and Massachusetts law has always required that it proceed strictly in accord with the statutes that govern it….The plaintiff banks, who brought these cases to clear the titles that they acquired at their own foreclosure sales, have simply failed to prove that the underlying assignments of the mortgages that they allege (and would have) entitled them to foreclose ever existed in any legally cognizable form before they exercised the power of sale that accompanies those assignments.

We were reminded of an outstanding mystery in the Ibanez case by a story tonight by Abigail Field on the role of carelessness by lawyers in the mortgage mess. She mentions a stunning aspect of the Ibanez case, one that quite a few observers, including yours truly, discussed privately at the time: that neither of the banks involved in the case produced a decent set of transaction documents (US Bank didn’t even provide a copy of the pooling and servicing agreement).

It is hard to convey how surprising this revelation is. If you have participated in any kind of corporate transaction, even at the small business level, your attorney as a matter of course will keep a signed copy of the agreement and any important related documents. The servicers and trustees would know that full well. So why did no one call issuer’s counsel and get the paperwork?

Field puzzles through this lapse and comes up with an incomplete list of possibilities:

So, the issue of partial deal documents that came to light in Ibanez and continues to crop up elsewhere means one of three things:

1. Securitization deals were so carelessly done that, despite all the proper documents being created, closing sets don’t exist.

2. Securitization deals were so carelessly done that not all the proper documents were created (such as lists of the mortgages involved) and so closing sets don’t exist.

3. All the documents and closing sets are fine, and the big banks have grown so incompetent they can’t give their foreclosure attorneys deal documents that they do have or could get from their securitization counsel.

I have trouble with her theories 1 and 2. The firms that did securitizations were white shoe firms, some of them of the cusp of top tier, the others just a wee notch below. And this was a bread and butter business. The donkey work of making sure all the documentation is in order is junior level time, which is marked up fully and thus nicely profitable. There would be no reason for the law firm to scrimp on it, and no reason for the client to want the law firm to cut corners.

MBS Guy has an opinion much more in keeping with mine:

I am even more convinced that the failure of the banks’ attorneys to track down the actual legal documents was not “carelessness”. I find it too hard to believe that the attorneys were this incompetent on an appeal of a major issue to the state’s supreme court. They had plenty of time (over a year).

Every deal I ever worked on had a full set of closing documents prepared in a binder. The issuer’s counsel law firm typically sent all of the documents to us via CD. We had stacks of them.

I suspect the foreclosing attorneys requested the documents and the requests were rejected by clever attorneys for the issuers who saw the potential liability and didn’t want to create a clear paper trail back to them.

If the low level foreclosing attorney looks incompetent in assembling his case, that’s one thing. If a big Wall Street law firm made a major mistake about the legal basis for selling loans without proper title in Massachusetts or any other state, well, that’s a whole different story.

Professor Adam Levitin has similarly pointed out that the major securitization law firms are in a sticky position, since they have legal liability on opinion letters.

But how would that operate? Those opinion letters were in an “if-then” form, “if you followed the steps you set forth, then you have a true sale.” But it now appears that much if not all of the securitzation industry opted, sometime after 2002, to change its procedures for how it handled promissory notes and liens without changing its contracts. That means, as we have pointed out repeatedly, that the parties in the origination process made very specific commitments to investors that they violated repeatedly, as a matter of business practice. Yet astonishingly they didn’t change the agreements to reflect what appears to have been a widespread adoption of new practices. Instead, they let the disparity, and the attendant liability, go unremedied.

It seems inconceivable that some of the players involved did not get counsel’s advice on this issue (I’d be stunned if Goldman didn’t; the firm is obsessed with having legal cover for its actions). But the breakdown was primarily in the custodial/trustee end of the process, which is a particularly low fee activity. So it is possible that the trustees or custodians conferred with their attorneys and did not formally bring issuer’s counsel into the loop. At the same time, these bad practices appear to have become so deeply embedded that I find it hard to believe that everyone on the sell side of these deals did not know what was happening as the new procedures became widespread.

As Field intimates, and I’ve said separately, until we see lawyers disbarred and facing charges, we can be pretty certain that we are only scratching the surface of mortgage abuses. But it is beginning to look like that day is not too far off.

Peculiarly (and I’ll have to admit I’m among the guilty), a state-wide halt of foreclosures by a Bank of America unit in Nevada earlier in the week attracted remarkably little notice. The number of foreclosures in involved is meaningful, over 8000. The reason may seem somewhat technical, and presumably would not apply to other BofA units, namely, that the entity, ReconTrust Co, is operating without a proper business license. But then it gets interesting.

First, we get Bank of America’s position, per the Las Vegas Review Journal(hat tip ForeclosureFraud):

In a statement, Bank of America said: “ReconTrust previously faced a nearly identical order in Utah, and it recently prevailed in challenging that order in federal court. Until the current situation is resolved, ReconTrust intends to comply with the order.”

However, the judge believes ReconTrust’s problems may go much deeper than licensing:

In the order, however, the judge said there is a “substantial likelihood that (North) will establish that ReconTrust does not have any contractual privities with respect to the contract between (North) and the other defendants regarding the promissory note and deed of trust.”

The Washington Post (hat tip Lisa Epstein) has taken note of the case, and cites sections of Bank of America’s court filing seeking to reverse the foreclosure freeze, which will otherwise remain in effect until at least February 28, the date of the next court hearing. Perhaps I am reading too much into the language of the pleading, but the tone strikes me as a tad desperate:

In a court filing Wednesday obtained by the Las Vegas Sun, Bank of America says that Bank of America and ReconTrust are in compliance with Nevada foreclosure laws and that the borrower’s case will ultimately fail.

The bank also argues that the harm the injunction “caused to the public interest is overwhelming,” and quotes U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to support its case.

“Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner opined that ceasing the foreclosure process is `very damaging’ and harms the public as communities are forced to live longer with empty homes, there is increased downward pressure on home prices and increasing blight,” the bank said. “The order also harms those subject to the foreclosure process because those individuals, especially those in mediation trying to stay in their homes, are now forced into a state of limbo for an unspecified duration.”

I have a sneaking suspicion that the views of Timothy Geithner don’t carry much weight in the Nevada judicial system.

Why the anxious tone? A couple of factors may be at work. First, recall how hard the banks fought the idea of a broad-based foreclosure freeze when the robo-signing scandal first came to light. And there are reasons why a blanket freeze is problematic, particularly if it extends to non-securitized loans (there are borrowers who want to get out from under a house they recognize they can no longer afford; a freeze can leave them on the hook). But at the same time, the banks have generally overstated the downside because the implications for them are unfavorable. And perhaps most important, an action like a wide-ranging halt is a reminder that banks are, or at least can be, subject to judicial orders, something they appear to have forgotten in recent years.

The second issue, is that Mr. Market has woken up to the fact that the Charlotte bank is particularly exposed to litigation risk. We were very critical of BofA’s purchase of Countrywide. As we said in January 2008:

Even with the reduction in the effective cost of buying Countrywide, Bank of America will come to regret this deal. Countrywide is an organization that has made an art form of just barely staying on the right side of the law, and even then screws up. There is certain to be more dirt, and therefore legal liabilty, that hasn’t yet risen to the surface. Furthermore, it is well nigh impossible to impose procedures and standards on rogue cultures. Look what happened to Bank of America when it purchased US Trust, a company that had a great franchise but one in which the account managers had more autonomy (and incurred more customer-related expenses) than Bank of America’s officers did. BofA succeeded in driving away the many of the best account officers, who took customers with them.

Now the cultural challenges of integrating a Countrywide are very different than dealing with a US Trust, but consider: US Trust was a highly valuable franchise in an area the North Carolina bank said was a priority, and they screwed it up just about every way they could. And US Trust was a much smaller organization too, so the acquisition should have been easier to manage.

BofA stock was off sharply early this week over worries about litigation risk, and those concerns were further stoked by an American Banker report that banks are slowing foreclosures in non-judicial states.

In other words, Bank of America would like to keep bad news about foreclosures to a bare minimum, but those pesky judges appear not to have gotten the memo.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Making Money Web

The crowdsourced funding craze is picking up steam. Tonight we see the launch of 33needs, a site where socially-minded startups can raise initial seed funding from individual contributors on the Web. It is Kiva meets Kickstarter.

Social startups post their “needs” in terms of how much money they are looking to raise, what problems they are going to solve and how they are going to do it, along with a video to help spread the word virally. People can invest $10, $100, $1,000 or more, and in return instead of getting shares in the company, they get a promised percentage of revenues for a specified period of time like 5 percent of revenues for three years.

The startups seeking funds are for-profit ventures, as is 33needs. Some of the launch startups include Emergent Energy Group, which wants to bring renewable energy projects to different communities in the U.S., and HalfUnited, a new clothing company which feeds hungry children with part of its profits (see video below).

33needs itself takes a 5 percent cut of any money raised, and nothing if the goal is not met. Generally, thee social startups are trying to raise anywhere from $50,000 or more get their businesses off the ground. They all try to mix profits with creating social good, which increasingly also resonates as a marketing strategy to consumers who want to feel like they are making a difference in the world. Whether or not they actually are is a different matter, but the most enduring social startups will end up being those who create a measurable impact.

The company was founded by Josh Tetrick, a social entrepreneur and former Fulbright Scholar who worked in Africa and for President Clinton. He doesn’t see 33needs as a replacement for angel or seed capital, but rather as a launching pad for ideas that may otherwise never have made it beyond a dinner conversation. “It’s a launching pad that builds fans, breeds a loyal base of people who’ll buy your stuff and use your product,” he argues. “There is so much pent up demand to invest in this stuff—not donate, but invest.”

But using crowdfunding to help start companies, as opposed to microloans for projects (Kickstarter) or people (Kiva), sets a higher bar. These require more money than a simple project. One of the key learnings from Kickstarter, for instance, is that small projects can grow into full-blown startups, but they don’t have to (watch this interview with Kickstarter founder Perry Chen). With 33needs it will be all or nothing. So the startups better make their pitches really good.

Two years ago, when Dustin Moskovitz announced he was leaving Facebook to start a new company with fellow-Facebooker Justin Rosenstein most people thought one of two things: He’d had a falling out with Mark Zuckerberg or he was just crazy. What could be more exciting than Facebook?

Moskovitz, of course, was Zuckerberg’s college roommate and co-founder of Facebook. If you get your Facebook history from Aaron Sorkin, he was the guy coding away in silence while half-naked girls did bong hits. If you get your Facebook history from, you know, things that actually happened, Moskovitz outlasted any other co-founder and easily played one of the most pivotal roles in the company’s early years. As such, Asana will get more attention and scrutiny and maybe even hype than most business software startups.

But here’s the thing: Asana deserves it. As it turns out neither of the suppositions for Moskovitz’s decision to leave were right. Moskovitz and Rosenstein just had a really big idea: To fix how people collaborate on projects and work in teams. Something that has so far been unfixable despite billions spent on developing an implementing collaboration and communication software. Something that may be so rooted in the idiosyncrasies of human behavior that it may not be fixable.

But Asana’s opening salvo is pretty impressive. There’s a full demo of the software in the video below, from Asana’s recent friends-and-family open house, so I won’t belabor the features here. (Screen shot is below.) Hear the pitch from the founders yourself. The company is still in private-beta, and it has a 1,200-company waiting list to get an invite. It’ll be opening up more over the course of this year. Asana has raised just over $10 million from several angels, Benchmark Capital and Andreessen Horowitz.

For me, Asana is the most exciting company to spin out of the early “Facebook mafia”– despite the runaway hype of Quora and Google’s jaw-dropping $120 million offer to buy Path. Then again, I’m sort of a business software nerd. I’ve been waiting for this “new generation” of enterprise software companies everyone keeps talking about and mostly feel like the open source and software as a service generations were a let down. These companies changed the way software was priced, delivered and implemented, disrupting old giants, and that’s no small feat. But product-wise, the reinvention of these categories wasn’t as dramatic as salesmen-oriented CEOs would have you believe. Yammer certainly got closer than most to delivering on that buzz phrase “the consumerization of enterprise,” but it was mostly by applying what was working for Twitter to a work-safe, secure app.

But Asana is strikingly different than other collaboration software. Part of that is timing. “I think that web technology has developed to a point where you can have a really great experience in the browser, better than you can have in a desktop app,” says Benchmark’s Matt Cohler. “The Asana team spent a fair amount of time investing in the underlying framework and technology to take advantage of what you couldn’t do a few years ago.” And part of it is because Asana is one of the first business software products re-thought from the ground up by twenty-somethings with no background in old-style enterprise sales and frankly, not too much experience using enterprise software in the workplace.

But here’s what jumped out at me watching it: You can tell Asana was co-created by one of the founders of Facebook. There’s that almost hubristic mission: To fix how people work together and make the global work place a better, more efficient, less frustrating place. “It was a precondition to leaving Facebook that I wasn’t going to start something that was just about chasing money,” Moskovitz says. There’s that Facebook-like obsession with efficiency, organizing inherently messy, social things with newsfeeds, updates and clean design. Pragmatism and data-driven decision making rule the company. Frugality is important but not everything. Asana’s engineers– the Gods of the company– get a $10,000 budget to pimp out their desks. Moskovitz shrugs and says he thinks it should be more, but couldn’t come up with anything they’d need that would cost more than $10,000.

And like Facebook’s early obsession with being a “utility,” Asana wants people to live in this app throughout their work day. Like Facebook did away with the clutter and needless page view clicks of the MySpace world, so too is Asana obsessed with speed. They know that if the software is the least bit cumbersome to use, employees won’t use it. Like Facebook, Asana sees its eventual customer base as, well, everyone. They hope people won’t just use Asana for work, but for things like wedding planning. The two wanted to build this product because managing teams at Facebook was such a chore. In a sense, Moskovitz says he’s still working for Facebook, because he’s still trying to solve the problem he was trying to solve there. It just so happens, he’s also trying to solve that problem for every company in the world.

But all that said, this is in no way another “Facebook for the enterprise.” There’s no list of friends, no events, no photosharing. Asana isn’t about making the workplace “fun” or making it social for the sake of social. Its not about organizing your social graph. It’s about helping people work together more efficiently– cutting out reliance on email, cutting down on the need for those endless meetings, easily assigning and tracking tasks in one instance that is always up to date, because unlike those lame corporate wikis, people are living in the app. Moskovitz and Rosenstein are clear: If they don’t accomplish that, they have failed.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

NYT&#39;s Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor « Talking Biz <b>News</b>

Information about business journalism, from the Carolina Business News Initiative. « Why the FT and the Economist have been successful in America � No Comments. NYT's Fed reporter to become deputy op-ed editor. 2011 02.17 ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money Scam

The topic free iPhone is spreading wildly on Twitter right now, thanks to a massive spam campaign. A whole raft of shortened links from a whole range of link-shortening services are used in the bogus tweets - these redirect to a variety of shonky money-making sites.

This sort of activity often flies under the banner of "affiliate marketing". Sadly, this is sometimes a euphemism for a site which aims to make money out of other people by unholy means.

A better banner for this sort of site might be: "A web page with links alluding to offers from major brand names, which in turn lead you to survey sites or online product pitches unrelated to those major brands, from which the owner of the original link earns commission." The major brands earn nothing. Indeed, they aren't involved at all, other than to "lend" their name unknowingly to the exercise.

In this latest Twitter storm, many of the accounts seem to have been set up just for the purpose of short-term spamming. This sort of account is often very obvious: it was set up recently, has no followers and no-one following it, and has never posted enything personal, or even moderately human-like. Such accounts easily fail the Turing test.

Other accounts involved in this spam campaign appear to be genuine accounts, typically little used - perhaps set up in a fit of enthusiasm for Twitter, only to be abandoned by the sort of user who never quite reaches the level of self-importance to keep up the effort of sending 140-character sound-bites about the trivia of his life. These accounts are more believable, because they have at least a small amount of history, a few followers, and some personal-sounding posts.

What can we learn from this? And if we're sysadmins - or even just concerned friends and family - with a sense of responsibility for others, what advice can we give?

Here are some suggestions:


* Remember the phrase "bait-and-switch". If you see a link which promises you a free iPhone (the bait), the details and conditions explaining exactly how you win, and what chance you have of winning, should appear clearly, believably and honestly as soon as you click the link. If they do not, it's a trick (the switch).

* If you have old accounts for services you no longer find interesting, or don't use much any more, don't just abandon them. Close them down. Genuine accounts to which you don't pay much attention are valuable commodities on the cybercriminal underground. They have credibility which freshly-created accounts do not, and you probably won't notice they been taken over.

* Watch the video made by Naked Security's irrepressible Graham Cluley on how to choose a strong password.

(Enjoy this video? You can check out more on the SophosLabs YouTube channel and subscribe if you like.)

(Yes, I really want to start using the word ‘pivot’ in more headlines in 2011 – it’s one of my New Year resolutions). is a gigantic scam. They used to trick people into believing they could sign up for the service – handing over their credit card details in the process – and instantly gain access to an online music catalog of more than 8 million DRM-free songs they could legally download. For $25 a month.

Of course, the ‘startup’ was quickly and diligently called out for being a devious fraud, by TorrentFreak for one. Of course, it wasn’t so hard to identify ZapTunes as a huge scam – they were stupid enough to claim they’d signed a licensing deal that enabled it to offer music from The Beatles (this was way before Apple got to that point).

Anyway, they announced their shutdown just months after launching, to no one’s surprise but undoubtedly not after taking some gullible people’s money.

In their own press release, they stated that “from the very first day of its launch, ZapTunes had been struggling against numerous DMCA complaints and lawsuits that were brought against it by a handful of label companies”.

This morning, however, the fraudulent company announced its return, this time billing itself as a social music discovery network. They will stop offering free music downloads, and all existing subscriptions are to be canceled as soon as the new website is launched.

Although ZapTunes mentions how it has struggled to “get to a point of profit” to date, the company says it has attracted 25,000 subscribers to its free music download service, which, again, sets those users back $25 per month.

I sincerely hope that, too, is a lie, and far fewer people got tricked by these fraudsters.

The reason for this post is simple: I want as many people as possible to land on this blog post or the ones I linked to above when doing a search for ZapTunes, in the hopes of making them realize they should stay far, far away from it.

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That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

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Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

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What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

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What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

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What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

bench craft company reviews

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

bench craft company reviews

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

bench craft company reviews

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

bench craft company credit card

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

bench craft company reviews

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Great <b>news</b>: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on <b>...</b>

Great news: Supercomputer utterly destroys all-time champs on Jeopardy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Making Money Online With

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Making Money Online with Forward Motion Marketing by Seonaster

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Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

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Making Money Online with Forward Motion Marketing by Seonaster

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Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

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Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

bench craft company

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

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Making Money Online with Forward Motion Marketing by Seonaster

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Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

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If you are a Photoshop fanatic and you want to make some extra money there are some great ways that you can work at home and make money online. There are numerous websites that allow you to place bids on jobs that you perform at home. Some of these sites will actually pay you to alter photos with Photoshop for a living. is one such website that actually has jobs posted on it that are primarily based on knowledge of Photoshop. If you are fluent with Photoshop and can alter images with style and pizzazz then you might be able to find great work at home that pays well. Some of the possible income opportunities that require an understanding of Photoshop include working for specific websites that alter images, and also providing graphic designs of photos.

You must keep in mind that when you place a bid on sites such as getafreelancer, you will have to pay a fee for winning the bid so you must take this into consideration when placing your bid for the job. Also, you can sometimes find long term assignments on these sites which will allow you to work on a steadier basis. Sometimes when you first begin to place bids on sites such as getafreelancer, you will have to bid low in order to win a few jobs and build a reputation, but after that you will be free to increase your bidding and still win some of the good jobs.

If you are extremely knowledgeable in Photoshop then might be the best site for you to find jobs at. While does offer quite a few jobs that require knowledge of Photoshop and they do typically pay higher than getafreelancer, most of the jobs on the site require a higher level of skill with the software. Some of the possible opportunities that you can find on this site include assignments creating holiday card layouts, website modification, and website design. If you are really tuned in to the Web and all it has to offer and you know your stuff, you can work at home and make great money.

Photoshop allows you to create endless possibilities of different media. Just search the web for the many different job opportunities that are available and when you search use Photoshop as one of the never know what you might find. As a content producer that has worked at home for the past 3 years and supported a 5 person family on the income, I can say this: "Although it is sometimes tough and you have to take lowball offers in the beginning, if you just stick with it and keep working hard the time will come when the money flows steadily and the pay get much better."

If you truly want to work at home, and Photoshop is what you like to do, then start making money online editing photos, creating website designs, or designing other graphics. There is nothing better than being able to do what you love, love what you do, and make money doing it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

california coordination project

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ..."></a>

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ..."></a>

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...">buy

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ... »

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

http://www.reddit.comquantity: ypettywi details:   hello! cheap

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...

International <b>News</b> Channel Euronews to Generate its Own <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Channel will shift from being client of news agencies to a competitor.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Knight-Mozilla <b>News</b> Technology Partnership Announced | The Mozilla <b>...</b>

We are excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to ...